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Why You Shouldn’t DIY Repairing Your Glasses

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When wearing glasses regularly, it’s not uncommon for them to break at some point due to rough use or accidents. For example, you might step on them, sit on them, they might have fallen on the floor, or if they are old and worn, they may become more brittle, and even normal wear-and-tear can cause them to become severely bent out of shape, crack or even snap or break. No matter how the damage may have happened, once your glasses become severely bent or broken, it can render them unwearable, which means you either need to get them repaired if possible or replaced.

Buying a new pair of glasses may be an unexpected cost that you may not be prepared for, so you may want to explore fixing them if possible. Rather than attempting to fix them yourself by bending them or using super-glue or tape, it is recommended that you return to the optical shop where you purchased them to determine if they can be repaired. View Eye Care has put together two reasons why you may want to reconsider DIY repairs of your glasses.

1. You may have limited experience with eyewear repairs
Part of fixing glasses involves experience in handling, manipulating, and adjusting spectacle frames and knowing the limits of the material used in making frames. It’s also important to know that there are a variety of materials and quality of materials used to make frames. Certain manufacturers use higher-grade materials which hold up better to everyday wear and tear and manipulations. Others are made to look good but are not as well made or use lower quality materials and craftsmanship, and do not stand up as well to being adjusted and therefore are more likely to break. Knowing which is which and the limitations requires experience.

2. Your mistakes could render your glasses irreparable
When you attempt to fix your glasses, you are going into it with limited to no knowledge of what to do. So, you might end up making irreparable errors in the process, ruining your chances of ever getting it fixed. If it’s replacing or tightening a screw, the most common mistake you could make is stripping the screw head or sliding off the screw and scratching the lens, or piercing your finger with the screwdriver. When trying to bend a bent or misaligned frame, you could end up breaking the frame. Similarly, when trying to repair a cracked acetate (plastic) frame, people often turn to Crazy Glue or other epoxy glues. Once that is applied to the frame, IF it would have been possible to repair the frame, it now is no longer repairable as the glue cannot be removed. Never, ever glue your frames. If you have a warranty on your frame and you use glue, the warranty will be void.

Do things right – Hire a professional
We tend to recommend that patients return to the optical where the glasses were originally purchased for any adjustments. Patients with glasses purchased from our optical are encouraged to come in as often as they would like (with an appointment), and our professional team is ready and willing to do tune-ups and adjustments on their glasses when needed. For many minor repairs and all adjustments on glasses purchased from View Eye Care, we offer complimentary services. More significant repairs or replacement parts out of warranty carry a nominal charge.

If you are looking for a top-rated eye clinic and optical store in Toronto, Ontario, then reach out to us at View Eye Care. We were founded on the principle of providing the highest level of patient education and eye care. Our optometrists and staff are committed to delivering an exceptional patient experience with every interaction. Our team strives to make every aspect of each visit pleasant, efficient, and educational. Our eye doctors and staff are always easily accessible to patients for follow-ups and for emergencies. We offer services like comprehensive eye exams, diagnosis and management of ocular conditions and diseases, contact lens eye exams, eye exams for infants, toddlers, and children, eye exams for adults, eye exams for seniors, etc. We care for patients from all across the GTA and surrounding areas, including North York, Mississauga, Rosedale, Forest Hill, Downtown Toronto, Yorkville, Midtown Toronto, Leaside, The Annex, Yonge–Eglinton, Bay and Bloor, Lawrence Park, Bridle Path, Leslieville, Scarborough Bluffs, and Oakville. To learn more about the services we offer, please click here. If you have a question, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact us here.

Written by View Eye Care

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