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What Makes View Eye Care Stand Out

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About View Eye Care

We are an optometry practice and eyewear boutique in Toronto, Ontario. The clinic was founded in 2010 by Dr. Mike Rotholz on the principle of providing the highest level of personalized eye care by caring professionals in a beautiful, comfortable and efficient environment.

Dr. Rotholz has been in practice in Yorkville since 1998. He was inspired to get into optometry, by his father who was a leading optometrist in Montreal from 1963 to 2016, and set high standards.

Consequently, we have followed suit and only recruit experienced, well trained eye specialists. All of our optometrists are trained thoroughly in routine optometric care and management of ocular diseases.

Therefore, people come from near and far to see our highly respected doctors and to purchase unique eyewear from our curated collections. We serve patients across central Toronto and the adjacent regions.

The View Eye Care Difference

One aspect that makes us second to none is that we deliver everything that our patients need under one roof, saving them time and money. It includes a high level of service, cutting-edge technology, and a skilled and efficient team.

What also sets us apart is our customer service, as our friendly doctors are accessible, approachable and make it very evident that they care about their patients’ eyes, vision and overall well-being. Our optical team focuses on making customers feel great while helping them find the perfect eyewear as well as understand and choose the best lens type and design to suit their needs and style. This patient-centric approach has made us successful.

One of our most significant achievements has been receiving referrals from loyal patients who recommend us to friends and loved ones and bestow tremendous accolades through Google reviews. It’s led to us becoming one of the highest-rated full-scope optometry practices in Canada.

Our dream for the future is to continue to stay at the forefront of treatment technology and diagnostic techniques in eye care and eyewear. In this endeavor, we will soon be adopting the latest dry eye treatments and non-invasive ocular aesthetic solutions for eyelids.

While we are passionate about what we do, we also care about protecting the environment. As a result, we are one of Toronto’s few practices that takes back all disposable contact lenses and their associated packaging for proper recycling.

Additionally, we have no paper files, and recycle printer cartridges, paper waste, and collect old glasses, which we donate to organizations that distribute them to countries in need.

We also donate to the Optometry Giving Sight charity, and our staff support various worthwhile causes, including the Ride to Conquer Cancer, and Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre.

To learn more about all that we do at View Eye Careplease click here. If you have any questions about how we can help you, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact us here. 

Written by View Eye Care

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