Adult & Senior Eye Exams in Toronto

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Comprehensive, Preventive Care

Eye exams are an important part of preventive health care. We provide a thorough checkup for not only the state of your vision, but also the health and comfort of your eyes. Visual acuity is important, but assessing the health of the internal and external structures of your eyes is imperative as well.

Regular eye exams allow our optometrists to look for early signs of eye disease. Many conditions that lead to vision loss do not show symptoms at first, so seeing an optometrist is essential for detecting and preventing eye diseases.

Our thorough approach establishes a baseline for your ocular health and vision, allowing us to monitor your eyes over time and check for a change that may indicate eye disease. We will always explain any recommended procedures or tests we provide.

Book your appointment and safeguard your vision today.

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The When & Why of Eye Exams

Like most leading eye care providers, we recommend annual eye wellness exams for all ages. These are particulary important in those with:

  • abnormal/atypical findings
  • a family history of eye disease or vision loss
  • those with systemic disease(s) such as diabetes, hypertention, elevated cholesterol, certain cancers, etc
  • those over 60 years of age
  • those with high prescriptions
  • contact lens wearers
  • a history of eye surgery

In certain patients, the doctor may recommend more frquent monitoring visits if warranted.

What Happens During an Eye Exam?

When you walk into our practice, you’ll be greeted by our friendly team. If you’re a new patient, you will have been asked to complete New Patient Forms online prior to your visit.

During the exam, you will undergo a comprehensive array of testing by our skilled and efficient optometric technicians. The results of these tests will be immediately available to your doctor for interpretation and evaluation in the exam room. These tests will include several functional tests of the oculo-visual system, as well as several different types of imaging of various eye structures and tissues.

We will thoroughly evaluate both the internal and external structures of your eyes using proven technology, as well as the functioning of the muscular and neurologic components of the visual system. Your visual acuity will be measured and the doctor will determine if corrective lenses will improve your visual abilities. The doctor will then evaluate your eyelids, lashes and ocular tissues using a biomicroscope and will then examine the interior of the eyes using the same instrument along with some handheld lenses.

With high-resolution fundus photography and ocular coherence tomography we can capture images of the eye’s most important and difficult to see structures.

Images of the inside “linings” of the eyes – the retina, macula, & blood vessels – as well as the optic nerves, allow the doctors to evaluate these structures in a way not possible in traditional techniques or visual inspection. Early detection of anomalies (ideally before the individual even has symptoms) can allow for the possibility of intervention and prevention of loss of visual performance and functioning. These advanced scans also allow for better and at times faster specialist referrals when warranted as they can be forwarded to the specialist for triaging and determination if more serious cases should be seen with greater urgency.

Book Your Appointment Today

Even if you think you have perfect vision, it’s still essential to have regular eye exams. Eye diseases can begin without easily noticeable symptoms, like a change in vision, pain, redness, light sensitiviy, or discharge. Comprehensive eye exams remain essential for assessing and detecting any early signs of sight-threatening conditions.

Prioritize your sight by booking a comprehensive eye exam today.

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Our Location

We are located in Toronto’s Yorkville neighbourhood in the second building, just east of Avenue Road. The “151” sign on the building is located above the doors, which can be difficult to see when you are on the south side of the street.

For more detailed location information and parking assistance, please click here.

*We are closed on statutory holidays.

Our Address

  • 151 Bloor St W, Suite 703
  • Toronto, ON M5S 1S4

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Thursday: 8:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Friday: 8:00 AM 4:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed
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